Business, Computers and Technology

Check out all the amazing Business, Computer and Technological Studies programs available at Notre Dame Catholic Secondary School.

Business Studies

Business Studies courses can be separated into two categories: Business Operations and Business Applications

Business Operations Courses 

In these courses, students in Grades 10-12 can learn about the different aspects of business today like Marketing, Accounting, Management, International Trade, and Entrepreneurship. 

Business Applications 

In these courses, students in Grades 9 and 11 can learn about some of the computer related technology used by businesses today, with the focus of the course on how to correctly and efficiently use Microsoft Office application software including Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, and Publisher. 


Computer Studies

Starting in Gr 10, the three program offerings at Notre Dame in computer studies are in Computer Science, Robotics and Website Design.

Computer Science and Robotics 

While both Computer Science and Robotics include computer programming, the Computer Science courses focus is on computer software development, while the Robotics courses focus is on the understanding of concepts related robotics.

Web Design 

Website Design courses in Grade 11 and 12 focus on the creation of webpages and websites. The focus in Grade 11 are static webpages/sites, while in Grade 12 the focus is on interactive webpages/sites.  


Technological Studies

The three areas of course offerings at Notre Dame in technology are Design, Construction and Woodworking. While they have some common strands, each area has a very different focus. 


Construction focuses on the skills required to construct and maintain buildings and structures, such as framing, drywall, electrical and plumbing.


Design focuses on the skills required to properly plan and design products and/or buildings.

In Grade 9, Exploring Technology tries to introduce the students to some of the skills and concepts from all three of the above tech areas.


Woodworking focuses on the skills required to fabricate products in wood. 

Business Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM)

A Specialist High Skills Major course is a Ministry-approved specialized program that allows students to focus their learning on a specific economic sector, while meeting the requirements of the Ontario Secondary School Graduation Diploma (OSSD). A Specialist High Skills Major program enables students to gain sector-specific skills and knowledge in the context of engaging, career-related learning environments and helps them focus on graduation and on pursuing their post-secondary goals.


Robotics Team

The Notre Dame Catholic Secondary School robotics team competes in two - three competitions per year against other school teams. Team members must plan construct and program an autonomous robot to complete a specific task, and/or compete head to head against other robots.