Chaplaincy is an integral part our Catholic school community. It is a service which provides both spiritual and pastoral care for students and staff.
Our chaplaincy team is led by a full time chaplain. The role of the chaplaincy team leader includes:
- organizing and facilitating grade level retreats;
- planning and organizing liturgical services and reflections;
- providing faith formation;
- spiritual and pastoral support;
- guidance for students and staff; and
- promotion of inclusivity and social justice throughout the school community.
Chaplaincy activities
The following are events or organizations that our school's chaplaincy team helps throughout the school year:
- Gr. 7 Retreats: led by Peer Ministry Students
- Monthly Masses/Liturgies
- Advent/Lent Reconciliation + Adoration
- Student led morning prayers on announcements
- Stations of the Cross
- Wednesday morning rosary in the Chapel
- Friday class visits to the Chapel
- Social Justice Club
- ShareLife
- Durham Catholic Children's Foundation
- The Refuge
- Prayer and support Groups: for bereavement, grief counselling, etc.
Join our Chaplaincy Team
The chaplaincy team is open to anybody who would like to be involved in the faith and spiritual life of our school community. If you have an interest in social justice issues or would like to play an active role in helping to make a difference in the lives of others we invite you to join our team.