The Ministry of Education approves dual credit courses to allow high school students to take college or apprenticeship courses which closely align to high school curriculum. When the course is successfully completed, two credits are recorded - one toward your high school diploma and the second on your college transcript.
Team-taught dual credit courses are taught jointly by a secondary school teacher and a college instructor. Each delivers a portion of the course corresponding to his/her curriculum. Notre Dame CSS offers the following dual credit courses (which are subject to change from year to year):
- BMI3CD (Grade 11 College Marketing)
- BOH4MD (Grade 12 University/College Business Management)
- CGG3OD (Grade 11 Open Travel and Tourism)
- EMS3OD (Grade 11 Open Media Studies)
- ENG4OD (Grade 12 Ontario Literacy Course)
- HFA4CD (Grade 12 College Nutrition and Health)
- IDC4OD (Grade 12 Open Personal Wellness)
- SVN3MD (Grade 11 University/College Environmental Science)
- TCJ3CD (Grade 11 Construction Technology)
- TCJ4CD (Grade 12 Construction Technology)
College-delivered dual credit courses are taught by a college instructor and supported by a secondary school teacher. Notre Dame CSS students enrolled in the Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program participate in a Level 1 Apprenticeship dual credit course.
Students benefit from a Dual Credit Program in a number of ways, including:
- gaining experience in a college course while still in high school;
- an increased awareness of the various college and apprenticeship programs available;
- the chance to visit the college in order to tour the campus and learn about opportunities in college;
- a positive transition to college life as they gain first-hand knowledge and understanding of post-secondary expectations;
- costs for textbooks are covered by the program;
- earning a college credit while still in high school.
Who Qualifies?
The Dual Credit program is funded by the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities for:
- students who have the potential to succeed, but are at risk of not graduating from high school;
- students who are academically capable of completing college level work as demonstrated by success in college level courses;
- students who will benefit from exposure to post-secondary pathways which will assist in the planning of their post-secondary years;
- students enrolled in Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) programs; and
- students enrolled in Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Programs (OYAP).
For more information about the Dual Credit courses you are eligible for, see your Guidance Counsellor.