Students should review the following resources prior to completing their course selection:
Use the instructional handouts and planning tools provided to make course selection easier:
To opt-out of the eLearning Grad Requirement, submit the signed Opt-Out Form to Guidance.
Sign up for SUMMER SCHOOL using the appropriate form:
Watch the Co-op Video to see if it is right for you!
If you selected co-op (COP2O or COP4O) next year, you MUST complete the Co-operative Education Application. Completed packages should be returned to a co-op teacher or counsellor in Guidance by the course selection deadline.
If you are going into grade 11, have co-op planned in grade 11 or 12 and would like to join a SHSM, the SHSM Registration Form must be submitted with your course selection.
Students must view the following videos prior to completing their course selection:
Use the instructional handouts and planning tools provided to make course selection easier: