Course Selection

A wide selection of courses are offered at Notre Dame.
Students and parents can access the

ND Course Calendar

and complete their course selections for next year online using


Course Selection Instructions and Resources




GRADES 9 - 11

Students should review the following resources prior to completing their course selection:

Use the instructional handouts and planning tools provided to make course selection easier:

To opt-out of the eLearning Grad Requirement, submit the signed Opt-Out Form to Guidance.

Sign up for summer school at ND using our Online Registration Form.

Watch the Co-op Video to see if it is right for you!

If you selected co-op (COP2O or COP4O) next year, you MUST complete the Co-operative Education Application. Completed packages should be returned to a co-op teacher or counsellor in Guidance by the course selection deadline. 

If you are going into grade 11, have co-op planned in grade 11 or 12 and would like to join a SHSM, the SHSM Registration Form must be submitted with your course selection.



Students must view the following videos prior to completing their course selection:


Use the instructional handouts and planning tools provided to make course selection easier:

To opt-out of the eLearning Grad Requirement, submit the signed Opt-Out Form to Guidance.

To register for summer school, visit the Grade 8 Reach Ahead Program or Head Start offered through Archbishop Anthony Meagher Catholic Continuing Education Centre.



Seek recommendations from your teachers.
Seek assistance from your Guidance Counsellor.
Make sure you hand your course selection in on time.
(You can always make changes later with your Guidance Counsellor).